Remember how disappointed I was the last few years because my Amur Maple wouldn't turn red in the fall? Well, it did this year. Glorious, huh? I was certainly pleased over my late bloomer. And it only took four years. Even the fallen leaves in the birdbath below the tree were beautiful.
We had 16 inches of snow fall over a couple of days in late October but the tree held up.
But last week we had another snowstorm, only 10 inches this time. But it was a much wetter snow and most of it came in the night while I was asleep and not out there knocking snow off the maple's branches.
Uh-oh. This can't be good. Not sure it will survive this but at least it finally turned red before it ends up dead.
this is an old post, but i just love the brilliant red. especially the photo of the fallen leaves in the birdbath. i wish the leaves would stay red longer before they slip away from maples !
Oh no. I hope it survives its sever pruning.
Glad to hear about your maple, but 10 inches of wet snow already? Wow.
Wow. That will be tough to recover from. We had the same thing happen thousands of trees here in 2006.
Hello! Just bloghopping. Great blog!
Happy blogging! :)
Stunning red colors!! I am so glad you got to see it turn colors before anything happened to the tree.
Feb 22, 2010 (the day that used to be Washington's birthday?)
Hi Lost Roses - just saying hello and sorry if the amur maple doesn't make it. The leaf color truly is lovely.
hello, i like your blog and those beautiful flowers, i wish to follow your blog, but i can't. if you wish than write me
my flickr
nice photo's!
Louisiana here! Things start to bloom at the end of this month. By the first of April, every bush and tree is in full bloom!
Nice pics.
bpo projects
this is an old post, but i just love the brilliant red. especially the photo of the fallen leaves in the birdbath. i wish the leaves would stay red longer before they slip away from maples !
I loved the pictures all are awesome but the one with fallen leaves in the birdbath is really very beautiful.
Grate and Amazing post, Beautiful pics and I surprised. I cant find word describe that pics.. Thanx a lot.
Personalised Gift
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