...it's only been a little over a month since my last post. Which means I missed July. But I have a good excuse. It's summer in Colorado which means the relatives come visiting, and I got a double whammy with relatives from both sides of the family. It was lots of fun and only slightly hectic. It's a good thing it rained so much or my garden might have felt neglected. This is my new favorite garden ornament, an Everlasting Allium. Pretty cool, huh?
The canna lilies that I bought at Home Depot are blooming their heads off. I have three in the little pond and these two in a corner. Everytime a bloom fades there's another one waiting in the wings. I'm thrilled.

Here's a closeup of the red one. Those emerging buds look a lot like birds-of-paradise, don't they? I love this carmine-red color.

I found this yellow jug at a garage sale on my way to work last Friday. (I'm always late on Fridays). I thought $5 was a decent price for it.

I think the Nicotiana Sylvestris looks like candles in the dusk. Or maybe like clusters of candelabras. I'm really fond of these towering flowers. I don't have as many as I used to because my little maple tree is getting bigger and shading more of the front bed. But these few really make me happy.
It is good to see that your garden is thriving despite company.
What a treat to see your blog header pop up on my RSS feed! I love tours of your gardens. The yellow jug is great- is that water lettuce floating in it? Your canas are gorgeous! I'll have to try it in my little pond next year.
Wow, a little over a month? Time flies! I waited 36 hours between my last two posts. I know! People start to wonder!
I like your flowers, by the way, very pretty, good choices.
I once had a lady stop at a garage sale we were having (I was made to be there) and she asked us to keep all her purchases until later in the afternoon so she could pick them up on her way home from work. During the day her son always checked her trunk to make sure she hadn't gone to any garage sales on her way to work.
Can you believe that?
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Hi Lisa, I have to admit that I've watered a few times, but I'm surprised that everything seems to be thriving.
Hi Lynne, yes that's water lettuce. I usually buy 2 or 3 at the beginning of the season and they make babies so quickly I always have spares to populate other pots! I'm so happy with the cannas, I certainly recommend them. And thanks for your nice comment!
Carol, I worry about you if you let a whole 36 hours elapse between posts. That's when I have time to read them, of course! Uhh, yeah, I can believe the garage-sale story. You just can't imagine how much junk you can haul home given half a chance!
Heee! I saw the photo of the 'everlasting allium' and got all excited BEFORE I started reading your post. I like it very much but thought there was a new cultivar for me to try. Your garden looks great even though you've been busy.
No question the $5 pot is totally groovy.
Jodi, so sorry you got excited oer what turns out to be an imposter! In my garden there are a few things taht are not what they appear to be.
Chuck, thanks! I get all excited when I spot something I can use in the garden. I should call it the Garage Sale Garden. Wondering if I have some skeleton keys around?
Looks like you're making up for really being a Lost Rose and going on sabbatical. It's very tempting to follow in your footsteps!
Love the yellow jug. I miss that nicotiana... like so many plants it was easy and dependable in IL and impossible here.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Somehow, I found your blog by looking for pics of bird bubblers in birdbaths. I love your attitude.. and I think it's because you like to peruse your garden with a drink and a smoke!! Yay!
I just made a fountain with a pot I found on sale, and a rock planter.. The mysteries of fountains solved!
Your thoughts, grandaugher, flowers and style are lovely. Nice to meet you.. (Maybe I'll start a blog-- I write one for the garden center I work for (SicklesMarket.com) but, I don't have my own.
A pleasure.... Pat, at the Jersey Shore...
Such a lovely flowers... Loving these pictures...:)..
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