Wednesday, June 24, 2009
My daughter thinks I'm pathetic for neglecting my garden blog. I agree. So at the risk of not getting 8 hours of sleep tonight (when does that happen?) I'll attempt to redeem myself and post a few photos. We've had an amazing amount of rain in June - almost 4 inches - which for our semi arid climate is pretty much like a rain forest. It also means my plants won't start dying of neglect for at least another month.
For years my garden colors were mainly pink, blue, and white. Now all I seem to want is a riot of color. Maybe it's all those vacations in Mexico. Here's what I found at Lowe's last weekend - a Gerbera daisy called Lollipop. Bright enough?
And a complimentary's that for a match?
I found these cannas at Home Depot. Must have been a fresh shipment as they were in great shape. I read that cannas are marginal plants for ponds and can take water up to 6 inches. Hope that's right. If not, well they look pretty now. And I don't think there's room in the pond for much more. But those water lettuce can start multiplying any time now.

I found a great green-glazed strawberry pot at a garage sale for 6 bucks. I was thrilled. But I probably shouldn't have planted these purple petunias in the pockets since I can no longer see the planter. Or the lovely blue salvia in the top that a friend gave me. Who knew those petunias would do so well after I squeezed the life out of their rootballs trying to smash them into those little pockets? I'll plan better next year - or not.
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Hi Mary!
I'm glad your daughter nudged you to get moving... I miss you here! You do have a riot of color. I just recently posted about my own garden and how disorganized it is - no color scheme, no plan. LOL!
Your garden is lovely. Rain is a blessing, I know. We are finally out of a three-year drought.
Now, don't wait too long to show more...
Tap, tap, is this really a post from Lost-Roses? Really? I must be dreaming, but at least now I know I dream in color, and fairly bright colors, too.
I'm impressed that with all your laziness, as you call it, that you have a pond, a place for water plants.
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Yay!! It's so nice to see you back here. I've missed you too. Love those hot bright colors you've chosen. I'm really liking riots of mixed colors too. Your garden is what I'd like mine to look like. Don't stay away so long- you are missed!
So good to see you back, LostRoses. Always enjoy the humor and today such color! WOW...Your garden looks more like a Florida garden than what I imagine a Denver garden to be... with cannas and lantana and gerbera daisies. So pretty. I do think your cannas will be fine in the pond water as long as they get plenty of sunshine.
Meems @ Hoe and Shovel
Any post from you would be a treat, Lost Roses, but one featuring lemon & orange colors with cool blue salvia and petunias is especially welcome.
Maybe evolvolus in the pockets next year?
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Mary, I think our garden styles are pretty similar - if we like it we plant it. If it doesn't go together, who cares, it's pretty!
Hi Carol, okay rub it in. I'm not only a lazy gardener but a lazy blogger too. But you make up for all of us slackers!
Lynne, glad you like the riot of color also. It kind of looks like a bag of M&M's exploded out there. I'm liking it!
Hi Meems, It only looks like Florida on my patio! (Actually I grew up in Florida). Take a look at the header photo at the top of my blog - that's the rest of my yard. Nothing but a huge swath of green. I hope the cannas do well, and they do get some sun in the pond - I only hope it's enough. We'll see!
Hi Annie, evolvolus is a good suggestion, there's actually one in a pot behind the floriferous petunias, not that you can see it! Glad you like my color "scheme", such as it is.
Hi Dear,
I have not been blogging much either . . . it's nice to hear from you and see your new pix.
That lantana is a lovely color!
and i ADORE your water feature
and all the misc. pots. So nice!
I have some water lettuce too. Doesn't it look fab!
Keep having fun in the garden!
~ Becky
Welcome back! Cannas in the pond--sounds like a plan. As a fellow pot and annual lover, I really liked this post.
Don't feel bad - these things happen (to me all the time). And your blooms are still lovely!
Lovely flowers in the garden and all those potted plants great idea!
Rain rain...seem that's our summer here.
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