My garden was lackluster this past summer and Christmas is over but I can combine a bit of both in the photo above. Remember my Pink Flamingo ? He became a part of the holiday decorations this year. Two visitors to my house recently commented that the flamingo is the ugliest thing they ever saw, but I'm enamored of it.
Once the hustle and bustle of the holidays was over I decided I should do a jigsaw puzzle. Years ago my mother-in-law used to have a puzzle in progress every Christmas Eve and we'd all contribute to putting it together. That memory surfaced recently so I found a puzzle in the basement that I'd gotten at a garage sale. See the missing pieces? But there's also an extra piece that is a duplicate of another one. But it was worth fifty cents anyway.
A belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!
Finding your post feels like opening a late Christmas present, Lost Roses. I missed you very much. There could never be a duplicate for your missing piece of the blog puzzle.
Happy New Year!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
I could hardly believe it when I saw that comment you left me, Lost Roses, so I came right over to your blog and lo and behold, it is some kind of Christmas miracle! Good to "hear" from you and see another post.
My sister in law collects flamingoes, so they are a prominent part of her Christmas decor; thus it doesn't seem all that unusual to me for you to put one up at Christmas time. I'll bet you could also make it fit in for Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter... you never have to take it down.
Belated greetings of all seasons,
Hurray! Lost Roses is back!
I'm glad all is well with you and I look forward you your sharing with us.
Happy New Year!
It's good to see you back to blogging. You've been missed!
Welcome back!
Happy New Year...I'm glad to see you back!
Word gets around. I learned via Carol's Twitter. Do you know Twitter? A lot has changed in 8 months.
You're back, you're back! Yay! I'm so glad. Hope you had a great year and looking forward to hearing from you more this year! :-)
~Angela :-)
It's good to hear from you again and see your Xmas flamingo, Lost Roses. Happy New Year!
Annie, gosh, you're going to make me cry! I've missed you too, and all my blogging buddies. And as usual, you are the mistress of a well-turned phrase!
Carol, I was hoping I wouldn't shock you too much by suddenly posting on your blog out of the blue! And I thought about you when I put out my gardening Santa with his hoe this Christmas. As for the flamingo, he's actually been in the living room all year. I kind of forgot about him till I found him behind the sofa. Guess I ought to clean the place up more often.
Lynne, thanks so much! I'm delighted to be back and to be welcomed so warmly.
Apple, Elizabeth, and Leslie, you're so kind. I've missed you all. Now if I could only catch up on all your blogs!
Kathy, uh...Twitter? Yes, things have changed! I can see I'm going to have to ease back into this.
Angela, nice to hear from you! I thought about you when I was in Oregon this fall and again when I heard about the plentiful snow falling in your neck of the woods. Hope you're staying warm!
Hi Pam, I'm looking forward to catching up on all the lovely photos you take of your garden. When you Austinites post your pictures, it makes me feel downright tropical. That's one way to keep warm around here!
Well Hello Again Mary! I was so surprised to hear from you! I thought you had given up on blogging forever... I'm so glad you're back...
Puzzles make me nuts. I'm glad you enjoy yours.
By the way, I'm enamoured with your pink Flamingo. Is this the bird you lit up on your back porch last year?
Welcome back!! Love your decorations!! Scott says since I won't make him a giant stelletto pump to put in the front yard at Christmas he will take a flmingo like yours. Have no ideal what his fasination with a pump is all about. Somethings are best left alone!
Whats this about guests calling your flamingo ugly!! Just because you have taste and they don't doesn't mean they should say such a thing.
Welcome back and happy gardening!!!
Add me to the list of people eager to welcome you back and who are happy you've posted again.
I missed you too. Your sudden disappearance was much noticed. I thought of you often and linked to you twice. (I tell everyone to buy a leaf shredder for fall leaf drop instead of bagging!)
If the garden was lackluster in 2008, I wish you a more lustrous 2009. :)
Hi Mary, it's good to be back. My main problem is I can't think of anything to say. But I enjoy reading everyone's else's thoughts! Oh yes, that's the same pink flamingo from before. As you can see, he is still so charming!
Cliff, your holiday decorations looked pretty fantastic too! I have to say I'm all in favor of the giant stiletto pump and I don't know what's holding you back. Maybe next year? Good to hear from you.
Mr. Brown Thumb, thanks much. Looking forward to catching up on your ever-informative posts!
Chuck, that was a brilliant idea, wasn't it? I mulched all the leaves this year too and can't think why I ever bagged them all those years. And I didn't intend to suddenly disappear, it just happened. But I missed you, too.
A very nice surprise, welcome back, and happy New Year.
Happy New Year greetings from a frosty and snow covered wintergarden in Switzerland. I'm curious to read your new posts. Have a good time!
Oh my goodness, you are back. I've missed your blog postings. It is great to see you back. That painting (on the puzzle) has always been on of my favorites.
Rusty, thanks. I see your lovely tropical garden is just as fine as I remember it!
Barbara, you do have some lovely snowy landscapes, nice visiting your blog!
Phillip, thanks so much. I've missed visiting your blog too, and am happy to get caught up. You are busy in the garden and I'm just thinking about it and fooling around doing puzzles. La Primavera has always been a favorite painting of mine, too. Now I feel I know it intimately! Thanks for visiting.
I remember the pink flamingo. He (she?) looks great with the trees.
Welcome back!
Thanks, Zoey. I took down my Xmas decorations but I left the trees and the flamingo. I like him (her?) too!
Welcome back, and if you love the flamingo that is all that matters. We put a puzzle together this Christmas Eve, it was a success, it may become a yearly event.
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