The Easter bunny has come and gone, though I noticed he left a few of his cousins still nibbling on my grass. My presence doesn't seem to bother them, though since I haven't been out in the back yard since about November, I don't know why it would.
When I got back from Mexico I found all the snow had melted and it was rather a shock to see all the leftover perennial foliage lying flat as a pancake. They've sprung back up now, but they're begging me to get out there, trim them back and start cleaning up those beds. All in good time. I'm still trying to get used to Daylight Savings Time.

Here's a few puny tulips popping up. I know many gardeners plant tons of them; I have about twelve. When they bloom I'll wish I had lots more, but in the fall I won't care. The scilla surprised me one morning with their beautiful blue flowers - that happened just before our last snowfall but they didn't mind.

The sight of these sent me hunting for the crocus that I naturalized in the front lawn quite a few years ago. There are fewer every year which is okay with me because unfortunately it was the yellow ones that seemed to thrive and they looked a lot like early dandelions. I can't find any this year. Maybe that's what the Easter bunny's cousins have been nibbling on. Hip hop.
I always like seeing the few straggly bulb that come up in the spring, but I'm not interested in planting any in the fall either. We've still got 10-12 inches of snow to get rid of! Hope your Mexico vacation was fun. Looking forward to spring and summer photos of your yard gardens!
Good to see you popping up on your blog like your tulips are popping in the garden.
Well, I declare, the Easter bunny has left me a post from Lost Roses. I thought you might be lost for good, but I kept you on my feed reader, "just in case".
The crocuses in my lawn keep disappearing, too. I think it is because they get mowed off before the foliage has turned yellow so the corm (bulb) doesn't have a chance to grow down under there.
I planted some new bulbs last fall and I'm enjoying the flowers now!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
It's good to hear from you, again, Lost Roses. I hope your Mexico vacation was refreshing.
Happy Easter to you and your family! Its great this time of the year with the snow melting! You never know what will come out of the ground!
It's good to hear from you, Lost Roses - leave when it's crummy and come back in time for tulips...more proof that you are wise!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Lynne, yikes! 10-12 inches of snow? Oh well, just think what's ready to pop up when it melts. Mexico was wonderfully relaxing, as if I needed any more reason to be laid back.
Lisa, you're so right. Seeing the tulips pop up made me think of my poor blog!
Carol, I'm glad you kept me on "your just in case" list. Now I'm going to go look at your tulips!
Mary C. - hi! Refreshing, yes -- the pina coladas were wonderfully good. Good thing I save them for once a year, I could get real used to those yummy concoctions!
Mon@arch, Happy Easter to you too. Spring is always a revelation when I spy what I forgot I ever planted! 'Course I could look at my blog photos from the past.
Hi Annie, I'm a fair weather blogger, apparently. How nice to hear from you, I've got some catching up to do!
I love your scilla - one of my favorites. I won't be seeing it in my garden for awhile yet, so thanks for sharing yours!
Oh a couple of warm sunny days, a touch of rain--and green things will start popping like crazy.
It is good to see you back! :)
Good to see you back from your trip and ready to garden, Lost Roses. I've missed your cheery posts the past couple of months. Hopefully the warm Mexican weather will track up to us snow-weary maritimers. :-)
You picked the perfect time to go. I bet you had a great time! It won't be long and we will be out getting our gardens ready...
Welcome back, Mary! I don't do tulips, either. I admire them in my neighbor's hard. Too short-lived for me.
Hey, will we hear about Mexico and see your pedicure?
Mary :o)
Tulips are great as spring annuals and as for crocuses, it's just too cold and icky when they appear. Can't get excited about them. But I am glad you are back posting!
Glad you are back. I was wondering whether you decided to stay in Mexico for good. :-) We are keeping our fingers crossed hoping that no more snow will come our way. Andrea
It's good to have you back LR! I've missed your posts.
Love your blog banner.... is that your garden/back yard? Lovely
Hi Mary!
Just wondering if you are OK. Busy, I guess?
Take care,
Hi Mary and all, I'm here and just fine but family and work obligations are keeping me swamped with no time to blog. I hope to pick it up again at some point this summer. By that time my garden will probably be dead. Keep on blogging and I'll catch up someday. Thanks for all your comments!
P.S. Yes, that is my back yard and it looks the same this summer, just not very green!
Hi LostRoses. I thought I would check in on you since it is summer time, now. Perhaps you'll do an annual summer post for us, just to let us all know you are still there, still up to your old tricks and enjoying life.
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Just checking in to se if you're OK. I understand the demands of life. Hope you're enjoying your summer and that your gardens are beautiful!
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