Friday, September 06, 2013

Pink and Blue

That's all I have to say.

Except for a little coral.
And pink and purple.

Fall is on its way so I have to enjoy this while it lasts!



Shirley said...

Such a lovely morning glory. My mom used to grow it and I did one year as well. It will always be a favourite.

LostRoses said...

I love them too, Shirley. That color!

Jennifer said...

They are all lovely. I sadly have a black thumb.

outlawgardener said...

So many beautiful colors! I wish summer could last a couple of months longer.

Tamera Beardsley said...

Lovely flowers my dear. Hope bulb planting is progressing nicely. Thank you for your dear comment on my blog yesterday!

CommonWeeder said...

The vigor of the morning glory always amazes me. It's nice that such a sturdy plant is so lovely, and blooms so long into the fall.

LostRoses said...

Well Styled, I have a black thumb when it comes to planting Morning Glories from seed. Sadly, I have to buy the plants that someone else successfully sowed! Well worth it though.

Outlaw, we had a week of rain and my annuals must have thought their season was over. They're now looking definitely peaked.

Tamera, bulbs in the ground! We do what we must. :-)

Common, they certainly have more energy than I do!

Anonymous said...

Love morning glories. Ours were done in by frost just this week.